A Day in the Life of a Nomadic Couple

Less than two months in, we're just beginning to find the rhythm and feel a sense of stability, even within the inherent undulations of living nomadically. We are approximately two rungs above vagrant on a scale of bum to banker! (We have jobs and a luxury camper.) But we're probably closer to vagrant than you think...

So while we can't yet speak from a place of authority about "what it's like" to live this life, there are a few things we've figured out, and we thought it would be interesting to share.

Also, quick administrative update for those following along at home: we're about a month behind "real time" in our blog updates (here on Namago.co), but we're keeping our Twitter feed more up to date. You can also see our tweets here on Namago.co under the "Where We Are and Where We Were" heading.